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Breast cancer awareness is a national campaign which is held in October. It is an annual event and aimed at providing information to the people regarding the causes, symptoms, effects and preventions of breast cancer. It is also aimed at raising funds for the victims of breast cancer. Although many people are aware of the existence of the disease they need someone to regular remind them to take test once in a while so as to detect the cancer in its early stages. Thus they offer free breast cancer screenings to attract more people and encourage them to bring their friends and families as well to get screened. In most cases you will find it rare someone walking into a hospital or health center to get screened for breast cancer unless a doctor advises so. Thus the breast cancer awareness provides a chance for the public to know their health status regarding breast cancer as well as gain important information about it.

Similarly, with the knowledge and understanding provided during these campaigns, most of the victims come to accept their conditions and they come to interact with other victims suffering from the same which in turn reduces stigma. It is also a way of encouraging the public to take responsibilities of attending to those suffering from cancer.

The pink ribbon is the major symbol that represents this awareness campaign. It is used as a concept brand to increase the number of people who believe in this noble course; it ties together the fear of cancer propelling a hope for its identification which will lead to successful treatment. Selling of pink branded t-shirts, caps, bracelets, goggles and other fancy products help in raising funds for the campaign. Similarly corporate sponsors are major contributors of the funds raised during these campaigns. The public also directly contribute money towards these projects through national fund raisings and contributions. They use this pink ribbon in their campaigns as a way to show individual generosity and enable people to have faith in scientific progress maintaining a positive attitude which will keep the optimistic about getting healed.

It is due to these projects that nowadays most women are receiving mammograms and biopsies. Similarly more and more early detections are made in their early stages which make it possible to treat breast cancer. They have clearly and fearlessly used marketing approaches to make it aware to people that breast cancer is not that dreadful and this has reduced stigma, and this has seen many people live with the disease.

Finally, breast cancer awareness is recognized and encouraged by many governments, the media and also cancer survivors. It’s a good course to invest in since it is aimed at promoting mammography and early detection of the disease which are the best ways of fighting breast cancer. Participation in the walks, runs, bike rides and fundraising is a major way to show your support for the eradication of breast cancer and any effort towards that is highly appreciated. The campaign is generally open for anyone, male, female, young or old and mass participation is mostly encouraged.